Find Yourself at “House of Life”

June 23, 2024

'House of Life' at Soho Theatre is not just a play, it's a unique theatrical experience that defies conventions. It's an immersive journey that invites the audience to become part of the theater, transforming it into a space of celebration and release. The show is a blend of a sermon, a purge, and a party, promising an unknown but undoubtedly happy ending.

The show begins with Trevor, portrayed by Laurence Cole, an everyday character who sets the tone, contrasting with the glitz and glitter-adorned RaveRend, Ben Welch, symbolizing a bridge from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

Photo by Monica Cox

When the high-energy RaveRend takes the stage, you'll be swept up in a whirlwind of positivity. He's like a human disco ball, exuding infectious enthusiasm. However, don't be fooled by the party vibes; this show has profound depth. It delves into vulnerability, connection, and letting go of emotional baggage. 

The most compelling aspect of 'House of Life' is the audience's integral role in the healing journey. Sharing personal stories and experiences with fellow audience members is not just part of the fun, it's a key part of the show. This active participation leads to an emotional climax, a cathartic 'purge' that leaves the audience feeling lighter and more free. 'House of Life' redefines theater, creating a space for joy, community, and inspiration in a world that often lacks brightness. 

A word of caution: if you're not uncomfortable with audience participation in a performance, you might want to explore other shows. But, if you're up for something immersive that steps way outside the regular theater box, then "House of Life" is worth checking out. This show is a beautiful mix of engaging characters, audience interaction, delightful music, and humor. It's perfect for those ready to dive into a world of joy and connection. You're bound to leave with a warm heart and possibly even a new perspective on the magic of shared experiences.

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