Turpan: An Uyghur Dining Experience

May 18, 2022

If you become hungry while visiting Bloomsbury, come here for lunch. At this location, you may enjoy exquisite Turkish food and Central London’s very first Uyghur restaurant - Turpan.

Turpan, 108 Great Russell St

The Uyghurs are a Central Asian Turkish people. Unlike their nomadic neighbors, they have lived in an established civilization for millennia. The Uyghur homeland sits at the crossroads of the Eurasian continent, and it has absorbed all of the civilisations that went through the historic Silk Road, resulting in a diverse and complex culture. The cuisines of the numerous peoples who have traveled through these territories, from Turkey to Persia to East Asia, are reflected in Uyghur cuisine.

About the restaurant, the menu selection and combinations were great, providing a good introduction to Uyghur cuisine and flavors. The food had lots of flavour and all of the components tasted fresh. Laghman is the meal I particularly enjoyed. It is the most famous Uyghur traditional hand-pulled noodle dish. The long, thin noodles are served with meat and fried seasonal vegetables.  

Laghman, a Uyghur Delicacy
Laghman/Lagman is Prepared with Meat, Vegetables and Pulled Long Noodles

The sauce usually tastes slightly spicy and savory.

Another dish that stood out was the Pilaf, which is rice cooked with lamb, carrots, and onions, served with salad. Although the meat was a little greasy, the whole dish was really savoury.

Pilaf: Rice, Carrots and Onions, Served with Salad and Lamb

Generally, the food was delicious and well prepared. It was a little oily, but it tasted like traditional Chinese cuisine. Nevertheless, it was fun and interesting to explore new cultures and cuisines.

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